Thursday, November 15, 2012

Function Exit Call

It is a normal way to call function exit by using statement - CALL CUSTOMER-FUNCTION ‘nnn’ (where ‘nnn’ is the exit number)

But sometimes SAP calls the function exit directly like normal function module using CALL FUNCTION statement.

And before calling the function exit directly it checks whether corresponding enhancement, that is holding the function exit is active or not using FM MODX_FUNCTION_ACTIVE_CHECK.

In SMOD if we check the enhancement “SDTRM001” then we can find that FM “EXIT_SAPVSTRM_NO_ATPCHK_001” is part of it.

So to find the function exit call inside a program other than searching with CALL CUSTOMER-FUNCTION statement, we have to search with normal CALL FUNCTION statement or put a break point on “MODX_FUNCTION_ACTIVE_CHECK” function call to see whether there is any exit called inside the program directly.

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